Wednesday, September 7, 2011


  1. I like your poem because that all has happened to me. It gives all these like situatoin that all girls go through. :)

  2. Dear Asia,

    Thanks for registering for the September student blogging challenge. Make sure you visit the blog every week beginning September 12, when the first challenge will be published. If you want a reminder sent to your email each week, use the "Subscribe by email" on the right sidebar of the blog. Also make sure you visit blogs from other students around the world with your interests.

    Miss Wyatt or tasteach - challenge organizer

    PS Not all students have a Google account, so could you have Name/URL as an option when leaving a comment.

  3. Hi Asia,
    I am a teacher from Moscow, Russia and I will visit your blog and comment on your posts as part of the Student blogging challenge. Your glog is great. I am looking forward to reading your posts.
    Happy blogging!

    Mrs Black

  4. Hey Asia. I love your post. I feel like this has happened to every girl! I can definitely relate :) check out my blog?????

  5. Hi Asia,
    I am a teacher from Moscow, Russia who is following you as part of the Student blogging challenge.
    There are about 3000 students taking part in the challenge. Have you visited any of the blogs? Do you like any?
    As for me, I visit blogs every day, and have read lots of great posts about festivals in different countries, the places where bloggers live.
    I wonder what your next post will be about. :)

    Mrs Black
